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Letting the Divine Feminine Take the Lead – May 24th to 31st, 2025

A Weeklong Retreat in Costa Rica with Tosha Silver

Tosha will return to Costa Rica in May to teach her second annual retreat at Blue Spirit! During the week-long retreat, she will teach unique and practical ways to let the Divine Feminine take the lead. The practices of offering, surrender, and fierce self-empowerment are MEANT for these wildly volatile and difficult times, and they create miracles even amidst chaos.

Last year's workshop sold out, so please don't wait if you feel called to participate. When you enroll, you’ll be asked to select a room preference. While there is still a broad range of rooms, each type is only available in a limited number.

Click here to learn more about the retreat and to sign up.

Letting the Divine Feminine Take the Lead!August 1st to 3rd, 2025

Tosha Live at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY

Tosha will return to teach at Omega in Rhinebeck, NY, from August 1st to 3rd on the topic of the Divine Feminine. Named Kali, Lakshmi, Mother Mary, or countless other names, consciousness of the Goddess is arising across the planet, author Tosha Silver says, and the very turbulence of our times is birthing her within hearts everywhere.

If you're ready to truly offer yourself to the power of the goddess within, this is your workshop. Open to people of all ages and genders.

Omega Institute handles all registration details. Click here to learn more about the course and to sign up.

Letting the Divine Feminine Take the Lead – October 20th to 24th, 2025

Tosha Live at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA

Program Details and enrollment link to follow!