Essential Courses for Right Now
Here’s a list of courses Tosha recommends as most helpful in navigating the current

Radical Gratitude - The Door to True Freedom
Forum members receive a 20% discount by entering in the Forum discount code.
The importance of Gratitude cannot be stressed enough. But what if you could learn to say ‘Thank you’ to your negative emotions as well? In this culture over-saturated with New Age teachings that caution against feeling negative emotions, the course presents a radically different approach – turning towards them in gratitude. The practice of Radical Gratitude achieves the seemingly contradictory– tending to your humanness while deepening your connection to the inner Divine. It is an invitation to live freer, truer, and open to the miraculous.
For the full class description, click here.
The Holy Battle, Part 2
Forum members: use the members' discount code to receive 20% off
“Grab the broom of anger and drive off the beast of fear.” – Zora Neale Hurston
Tosha couldn’t be happier with how the Holy Battle course inspired so many of you. The deluge of powerful, heartfelt questions and stories she received make it clear how needed the course is. So she taught a Part 2 with an additional four calls to anchor the topic more deeply. Click here if you want to review the original class description!
Foundational Teachings
Learning to develop a relationship with the Inner Divine doesn’t come naturally to
many raised in contemporary Western Culture, especially since we learn “doer-ship”,
efforting, and the constant seeking of external validation every step of the way.
The classes below include the core principles for learning HOW to embrace the path
Tosha highlights in her books and recordings. These three classes will provide you
with a foundation to begin your own love affair with this Force.
As you enjoy these classes, don’t forget to consider also joining the Outrageous
Openness™ learning group, an online teaching community that will provide you with
support and ongoing guidance. In addition, forum members receive a 20% discount
on all classes by entering in the Forum discount code.)
Dive Deeper into the Divine
Once you’re familiar with the core principles of Tosha’s teachings, the following classes can all help you dig into more specialized subjects.