Invite the Inner Kali Power
For years, I've felt opening to the Dark Mother was the antidote to fear of every kind. And not just Kali, but Black Madonna, Hecate, Persephone, and any form of the Underworld Goddesses who let us claim the shadow and invite radiant Divine confidence and courage.
So I've created this course to help anyone who wishes to go deeper into Her dazzling intensity. This embodiment of Ferocious Love is waiting within you, only needing a sincere welcome to begin.
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Full Description:
For years, I've felt opening to the Dark Mother was the antidote to fear of every kind. And not just Kali, but Black Madonna, Hecate, Persephone, and any form of the Underworld Goddesses who let us claim the shadow and invite radiant Divine confidence and courage.
I feel She literally owns me. And if you are Plutonic, you yourself may feel the same. She is nothing to fear. In fact, She brings an atomic explosion of Inner Power that grounds you in your own Divine strength, bringing not the ego's agenda, but Her very Own.
So I've created this course to help anyone who wishes to go deeper into Her dazzling intensity. This embodiment of Ferocious Love is waiting within you, only needing a sincere welcome to begin.
When fully invited and surrendered to, She eventually creates a radiant rebirth that the ego itself could never orchestrate.
The course includes two 60-minute teaching calls interwoven with powerful meditations and a one-hour Q&A call. (All sessions are pre-recorded.)
Knowing and embracing Her can help us navigate with strength and dignity the tumultuous situations that often bubble up so often in our lives.
If you’re ready to go deeper with that radiant inner courageous One, standing in Her own true power, well, She is waiting.