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An Old Yoga Pal...

29 Oct

Last year I ran into an old yoga pal. He said he felt daily bitterness since developers had ruined so much of Colorado where he lived he could no longer buy a home. He was so mad he had ulcers. He wondered what I would do.

"All that yoga out the window, right?" he laughed.

"Ok look," I said. "One route is to stay there and just fight them. That's valid. But nonetheless, your daily resentment will actually BLOCK the right home coming no matter what. That's just how it goes.

So whether you stay or not, start saying that your perfect next home is picked and you'll be guided to it at the right time, no matter WHERE. Just offer it over and see what happens. If nothing else, you'll help your poor bod."

I heard from him yesterday. He said that at the point we met he was so sick of being mad he just surrendered and did the prayer for a while. Then several odd events landed him in Half Moon Bay for the weekend, a tiny California town he'd never even heard of. He discovered he could telecommute from there. And he not only found a cottage he could afford... the realtor who sold it to him became his new boyfriend.

Oh and there was even a yoga studio down the street...

Sounds like the Universe might have had a bit of a Plan :))

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