You know, we've been in this long, long Mars/Venus transit that started last February 24 and completes November 1. And though it can bring up pain and healing around relationship (and even END what's needed to go for a long time), what it's really about is your own worthiness, wholeness, and Divinity.
So, back in February I was feeling this ancient pain triggered by someone. I had no illusions it was actually about her, but rather a wound that had never fully healed. Despite a lifetime of spiritual practice, I still had often (quite covertly) projected my own disowned Mars onto an Other, then suffered greatly.
But this time was different. After I saw her, I walked the night streets of San Francisco, crying long, hard sobs like a baby. I prayed to the Divine from the depths of my Being to make me whole. I HAD to re-own this projection once and for all. The transits were saying, "No More."
Suddenly at the next corner came the craziest thing. About thirty women, all in golden crowns, were crossing Market Street. No, I wasn't hallucinating, maybe they were heading to some trippy bridesmaid's party. And there I was, utterly surrounded, crying and laughing in the midst of it, as they passed by.
Well, no doubt the message. Own your OWN worthiness, own your own Divinity, crown YOURSELF. No one else can do it, no partner, no friend, no teacher. NO one.
Reclaim your lost sanity, and crown YOU.
So that's been the voyage since February, quite fabulous once fully surrendered to. Then right before Sunday’s total eclipse, mysteriously in the mail, came a package. A reader of “Outrageous Openness' who creates... yes, Crowns... sent one made of crystals and amethyst. Says she was spontaneously guided to send. No, you honestly could not make this stuff up.So here's my question. No matter who you are or what you’re in, are you ready to crown yourself? Not in that fake Disney sense that's just about more ego-entitlement masking self-hatred, but in a true, deeply spiritual way. An owning of your innate God-given worthiness.Not as something to 'work on' but as something available now. What I've found is, NO one else can do it, only you... through Divine intervention.
Because I've found once you become fully available for That, oh does the Universe help! The healing of this Mars/Venus wound becomes intensely available. I had simply never offered it 100% to the Divine before, without restriction. And THAT'S why I thought the Mars-Venus class. You stop demanding that the healing come from any Other. It comes from Love within You alone. Anyone else is icing on the cake. (Click the image below to watch the video and register for the class)

"Shift me Divine into one who knows my own worthiness without question. Let me remember my own autonomy and freedom in every way, standing fully on my own two feet, radiant and whole. May I fully deserve to receive and know my own value. May I know I am Love.I am Yours. You are Mine. We are One. All is Well."